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A Brief Update on the State of my Writing (as of Decmber 2024) + Updates on Scarlet Jane and The Fortuned Ones

Writer's picture: Kody BoyeKody Boye

Hi everyone. I hope you all are doing well.

As you can already guess by the title of this post: I wanted to make a quick update on the state of my writing, and where I am going with it.

As of the past two months, I have been engrossed in my final class for my undergraduate in creative writing and English at the online university I am attending. This, combined with my day job obligations and some other events that have occurred over this end of this year, have kept me from writing at a pace I would like to be consistent. I am, at present, working on a novel that I want to pitch to an agent in an effort to take my writing to the next level. I feel I owe it to myself to write a standalone I can put my full efforts behind, and which I feel is commercial enough to potentially sell (which I did not adequately do with The Beast of Settler's Point or with Angel Town, which is on resubmission).

With that said: I have not forgotten about my obligations to my other series, mainly being: The Scarlet Jane Files, which I am still working on completing, as well as The Fortuned Ones, which takes place after The Red Wolf Saga.

My current plan, and trajectory (with some reasonings as to what is going on) are as follows:

The Scarlet Jane Files were originally giving me issues because in the fourth installment, entitled Angel Town, I chose to tackle a story that featured an area of Texas where I had a bad experience. Some of that experience is interwoven in Angel Town, and as a result, it set me back. However, I am going to push through once I finish working on this work in progress I am pitching. After that, I have a few other stories to complete in that world to round out the complete arc that Scarlet goes through during those novels. After Angel Town, I have enough story ideas for four more Scarlet Jane stories. After The Scarlet Jane Files are completed, I will move on to...

The Fortuned Ones, which take place after The Red Wolf Saga, and will center around a handful of teenagers. This story follows the world-changing event that occurs in The Red Wolf Saga, and since The Supernatural South universe consists of The Scarlet Jane Files, The Elements of Ice, and The Red Wolf Saga (and takes place chronologically in that exact order), I have to ensure that The Scarlet Jane Files are finished before I move on to The Fortuned Ones (to ensure continuity throughout.)

With the story in that shared universe going from The Scarlet Jane Files to The Elements of Ice to The Red Wolf Saga and finally The Fortuned Ones, you can see how I have to make sure all the dominos fall in order.

Since this is the last class I will be taking at my university to finish out my degree, I have high hopes that I will be able to write more consistently, and not only finish my secret work in progress, but also the Supernatural South universe (as it presently stands).

With that in mind, my current obligations and schedule will be:

  1. To finish my final college class

  2. To finish my secret work in progress

  3. To finish writing The Scarlet Jane Files

  4. And to (re)start The Fortuned Ones

Hopefully, this explains what's going on, and gives you all some insight into my progress.

Thank you for your time, and your continued support. I greatly appreciate it.



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